Endorse SB 42 for Local Organizations

Please sign your local organization on to the following letter of support to legislators for SB 42:

"As local organizations deeply invested in the well-being of our communities, we urge you to support Senate Bill 42 to place the California Fair Elections Act on the November 2026 ballot to allow voters to remove the prohibition on public financing of campaigns and establish reasonable safeguards for public financing systems.

Our members are politically active but can't compete with money from corporations and millionaires.  Public financing of campaigns empowers voters and gives qualified candidates a fair chance against Big Money.

Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley all overwhelmingly passed this democracy-strengthening reform, but it's prohibited in California jurisdictions other than charter cities.  SB 42 will allow voters to repeal this unjust ban, giving all California jurisdictions the same opportunity that charter cities have to enact public financing laws that suit their needs.

We therefore strongly support SB 42 for a fairer political system and urge you to vote AYE.”

SIGN ON TO LETTER NOW!  If near Bay Area, please cosponsor the May 18th Campaign Kickoff for SB 42 in Berkeley.

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