If you're a candidate, elected official, or former elected official, please sign on to the following letter of support to legislators and Governor Newsom for SB 42. If you represent a local organization that would like to endorse, please sign the local organization letter here. Otherwise, please sign the petition for SB 42 here!
"As elected officials and candidates, we urge you to support Senate Bill 42.
In a time when corporations and billionaires are spending unprecedented amounts on campaigns, distorting our democracy, it's more important than ever that we change the way we finance election campaigns.
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley have all overwhelmingly passed public financing of campaign systems that empower voters and help give qualified candidates enough resources to compete. Unfortunately, this democracy-strengthening option is prohibited in California jurisdictions other than charter cities.
General law cities, counties, the state, and other jurisdictions should have the same opportunity to enact public financing laws that suit their needs that charter cities have.
SB 42 would allow voters the chance to end this patently unfair restriction by placing the California Fair Elections Act on the November 2026 ballot to allow voters to remove the prohibition on public financing of campaigns.
For these reasons, we strongly support SB 42 and respectfully request your AYE vote.”