California Clean Money Press ReleasesBills introduced to allow local governments and California to have public financing of electionsCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 4/10/23 SACRAMENTO, CA -- At a time when voters are more concerned than ever about the dominance of Big Money in politics, SB 24 & AB 270, from Senator Umberg and Assemblymember Lee will restore control to local governments and the State by allowing them to enact new options for election campaign funding. Full story Gov. Newsom signs landmark disclosure bills: Disclosure Clarity Act and Ballot DISCLOSE ActCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 9/30/22 SACRAMENTO, CA -- Governor Newsom has just signed SB 1360 the Disclosure Clarity Act (Umberg-Allen) and AB 1416 the Ballot DISCLOSE Act (Santiago), both sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign, expanding California's national leadership in disclosure. Full story SB 1360 -- Disclosure Clarity Act -- Clears First CommitteeSenator Tom Umberg, Press Release, 3/30/22 (SACRAMENTO, CA) ? Senate Bill 1360, California?s Disclosure Clarity Act, jointly authored by Senators Thomas J. Umberg (D-Santa Ana), and Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica), cleared its first legislative hurdle this morning. Full story SB 1360, Disclosure Clarity Act, Introduced by Senators Tom Umberg and Ben AllenCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 2/28/22 CULVER CITY, CA ? Following an election in which more money was spent on ballot propositions than ever in California history, Senators Tom Umberg (D-Santa Ana) and Ben Allen (D-Los Angeles) have introduced SB 1360, the Disclosure Clarity Act, to counteract the flood of ads and initiative, referendum, and recall petitions that skirt California's landmark California DISCLOSE Act in order to hide from voters who really paid for them. Full story AB 1416, Ballot DISCLOSE Act, Passes Assembly Elections CommitteeCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 1/12/22 Sacramento, CA ? With a vote of 6-1, the Assembly Elections Committee passed AB 1416, the Ballot DISCLOSE Act, authored by Assembly Member Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) and sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign, a bill to counteract the flood of money in ballot measure campaigns... Full story Assembly Member Santiago Moves Forward 2nd Ballot DISCLOSE ActCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 3/23/21 SACRAMENTO, CA -- Governor Newsom has just signed SB 1360 the Disclosure Clarity Act (Umberg-Allen) and AB 1416 the Ballot DISCLOSE Act (Santiago), both sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign, expanding California's national leadership in disclosure. Full story SB 90, Ballot DISCLOSE Act, Introduced by Senator Henry SternCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 12/17/20 CULVER CITY, CA - Following a year in which more money was spent on ballot propositions than any year in California history, often on ads that purposefully mislead voters, Senator Henry Stern (D-Los Angeles) has introduced SB 90, the Ballot DISCLOSE Act, to counteract the flood of money by having the ballot itself list one of the most important pieces of information voters want about state ballot measures: who supports and opposes them. Full story Poll Shows Overwhelming Support for SB 636, the Ballot DISCLOSE ActCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 1/14/20 CULVER CITY, CA -- A poll conducted of 661 likely November 2020 California voters showed that an overwhelming percentage of voters say it is important to them to know who supports and opposes ballot measures when they vote, but that many of them aren't confident they know this information or think it's easy to find -- issues addressed by SB 636, the Ballot DISCLOSE Act. A parallel poll showed that SB 636 would have a significant positive impact on how voters say they would vote on past ballot measures. Full story Gov. Newsom signs landmark disclosure bills: Petition DISCLOSE Act and Text Message DISCLOSE ActCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 10/10/19 SACRAMENTO, CA -- Tuesday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 201, the Text Message DISCLOSE Act (Cervantes-Mullin) and SB 47, the Petition DISCLOSE Act (Allen), two landmark bills that close major loopholes for secret money in politics, adding to California's national leadership in disclosure. Both expand on the California DISCLOSE Act, the nation's most comprehensive campaign disclosure law, passed in 2017, that requires political ads to clearly show their top funders. Full story National Coalition Launches Petition to Pass the Text Message and Petition DISCLOSE ActsCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 9/6/19 SACRAMENTO, CA -- A major coalition of state and national good government and activist organizations launched a petition today to help pass two bills to stop Dark Money: AB 201, the Text Message DISCLOSE Act (Cervantes-Mullin) and SB 47, the Petition DISCLOSE Act. Full story "Secure the VOTE Act" Aims to Make California Elections More Secure and TransparentAssemblymember Miguel Santiago, Press Release, 4/12/19 SACRAMENTO, CA -- At a rally in Sacramento this afternoon, Assemblymember Miguel Santiago (D-Los Angeles) announced AB 1784, which aims to establish an Open-Source Paper Ballot Voting Systems program. Full story Issue Ad DISCLOSE Act Introduced by Speaker pro Tem Kevin MullinCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 2/25/19 SACRAMENTO, CA -- Amid growing concerns about issue ads using secret money to try to kill legislation, and "sham" issue ads that attack candidates yet escape disclosure by not "expressly advocating" for someone, California will again lead the way to greater transparency with the launch of AB 1217, the Issue Ad DISCLOSE Act, authored by Speaker pro Tem Kevin Mullin. Full story Los Angeles Campaign Finance Coalition Leaders Express Major Disappointment in City Council Matching Funds VoteCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 12/12/18 LOS ANGELES, CA -- Despite being urged by a coalition of 52 local, state, and national organizations to amend proposed changes to Los Angeles's small donor matching funds system, the Los Angeles City Council passed without discussion a recommendation by the City Rules Committee to codify the package with only a minor change. Full story Petition DISCLOSE Act Introduced by Senator Ben AllenCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 12/6/18 SACRAMENTO, CA -- A new California bill to require initiative signature gatherers to disclose to voters the top 3 funders of their signature-gathering before they sign petitions to put measures on the ballot was launched with the introduction of SB 47, the Petition DISCLOSE Act, authored by Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) and sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign. Full story Coalition Delivers 90,000 Signatures to Governor Brown for Net Neutrality Bill (SB 822)California Clean Money Action Fund, Press Release, 9/27/18 Sacramento -- Today a coalition of some of the largest public interest and activists groups in the state and nation delivered 90,000 signatures to Governor Brown urging him to sign SB& 822, the bill to restore Net Neutrality to California Full story Landmark, first-in-the-nation disclosure legislation, Social Media DISCLOSE Act, signed by Governor BrownCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 9/26/18 SACRAMENTO -- Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed the Social Media DISCLOSE Act (AB 2188), another landmark campaign disclosure bill that makes California a national leader in of disclosure in online political ads. Full story Leading San Francisco Candidates Call for Funding Development of Open-Source Voting SystemCalifornia Clean Money Action Fund, Press Release, 6/4/18 San Francisco -- The day before an election being conducted using proprietary voting systems using secret software from corporate vendors, San Francisco's three leading mayoral candidates and Supervisor Budget Chair Malia Cohen released calls to fund the San Francisco Elections Commission's request for $4 million in funding for the development of a publicly owned open-source voting system to process voter marked paper ballots. Full story Social Media DISCLOSE Act Introduced by Speaker pro Tem Kevin MullinCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 3/29/18 SACRAMENTO, CA -- After rising national concerns about the lack of disclosure on political ads on social media and other online platforms, California will again lead the way to greater transparency with the launch of AB 2188, the Social Media DISCLOSE Act, authored by Speaker pro Tem Kevin Mullin. Full story California Clean Money Campaign endorses San Francisco Open-Source Voting System ProjectCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 2/21/18 San Francisco, CA -- After increased evidence of Russian attempts to undermine U.S. elections, including reports by the Department of Homeland Security that Russians targeted voter rolls in 21 states and successfully broke into more than one state's official database of voters, the California Clean Money Campaign has joined elections and security experts calling for expedited development of public, open-source paper ballot voting systems to increase the security and transparency of our elections. Full story Landmark, first-in-the-nation campaign disclosure legislation, California DISCLOSE Act, signed by Governor BrownCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 10/7/17 SACRAMENTO, CA -- Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed into law the landmark California DISCLOSE Act (AB 249), the nation's most comprehensive election disclosure law. Full story Communications Workers of America District 9 Endorses AB 249, the California DISCLOSE ActCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 8/4/17 Momentum continues to build for one of the most important disclosure bills in the nation, AB 249, the California DISCLOSE Act, as the bill acquires its first endorsement from a statewide labor organization, the Communication Workers of America, District 9. Full story Assembly Speaker pro Tem Kevin Mullin Steps Up to Take on Authorship of AB 249, the California DISCLOSE ActCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 7/14/17 Momentum continues to build for one of the most important disclosure bills in the nation, AB 249, the California DISCLOSE Act, as the bill acquires its first endorsement from a statewide labor organization, the Communication Workers of America, District 9. Full story Initiative Petition Disclosure Act introducedCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 2/17/17 SACRAMENTO, CA -- A new bill to require that initiative petitions circulated by paid signature gatherers must clearly disclose their top 3 funders was launched with the introduction of SB 651 by Senator Ben Allen. SB 651 is sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign. Full story 2017 California DISCLOSE ACT Introduced by Assemblymembers Gomez and LevineCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 12/6/16 SACRAMENTO, CA -- A new effort to give voters the information they need by requiring significantly greater transparency in political ads was launched with the introduction of the 2017 California DISCLOSE Act by Assemblymembers Jimmy Gomez and Marc Levine. The 2016 version, AB 700, was endorsed by more than 300 organizations and leaders, with 106,000 Californians signing petitions urging the legislature to pass it. Full story Governor Brown Signs Major Step Towards Citizen-Funded ElectionsCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 9/29/16 SACRAMENTO -- Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill giving all Californian jurisdictions the right to give their citizens a bigger voice in democracy by changing the way election campaigns are financed. SB 1107 amends California??™s antiquated ban on public financing of campaigns to allow local governments and the state to pass their own systems for citizen funding of election campaigns to magnify the voices of small donors and everyday voters. Full story Californians Lose As State Republican Senators Unite To Kill Landmark Political ReformCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 9/1/16 Sacramento, CA -- Despite overwhelming support from the public, including petition signatures from more than 106,000 Californians, the California State Senate yesterday failed for the final time to muster the two-thirds vote required to pass Assembly Bill 700 (Gomez-Levine), a landmark bill that would have shone a light on Dark Money and required the true funders of political ads to be disclosed on the ads themselves. Full story California Legislature Passes Bill Giving Localities and the State the Option to Create Systems for Citizen Funded ElectionsCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 9/1/16 SACRAMENTO -- Last night, the California legislature passed SB 1107, a bill to amend California's antiquated ban on public financing of campaigns and to allow local governments and the state to address special interests in politics by passing their own systems for citizen funding of election campaigns to magnify the voices of small donors and everyday voters. Full story Landmark disclosure bill, California DISCLOSE Act, AB 700, Passes AssemblyCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 1/27/16 SACRAMENTO, CA -- With a bipartisan vote in the State Assembly today, California moved one step closer to enacting the nation's most comprehensive election disclosure law. Assembly Bill 700, authored by Assemblymember Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles) and sponsored by the California Clean Money Campaign, requires all non-candidate campaign committees to clearly and prominently disclose the identity of their top three true funders on their campaign advertisements. Full story California Clean Money Action Fund Endorses "Voters' Right to Know Act"California Clean Money Action Fund, Press Release, 12/2/15 CULVER CITY, CA -- The California Clean Money Action Fund announced its support of the Voters' Right to Know Act, a statewide ballot measure to give voters the information they need by requiring significantly greater transparency in political campaign spending. It will appear on the November 2016 ballot and establish California as a national model for campaign finance disclosure. Full story Overturn Citizens United Act moves to Governor Brown's deskCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 7/3/14 "On the last day of the legislative session before the 4th of July, in an important achievement for the national movement to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions, the California State Senate passed SB 1272, the Overturn Citizens United Act..." Full story California makes an official call for a U.S. Constitutional Convention to overturn Citizens UnitedCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 6/23/14 Today, the State Senate passed AJR 1, making California the second state in the union to officially call for an Article V constitutional convention for the sole purpose of passing a United States constitutional amendment that would effectively overturn Citizens United... Full story Overturn Citizens United Act Passes California SenateCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 5/28/14 In an important achievement for the national movement to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions, the California State Senate today passed SB 1272, the Overturn Citizens United Act, which would allow Californians to vote in November 2014 to demand a U.S. Constitutional amendment that says corporations aren't people, and money isn't speech. Full story Bills Against Citizens United Added to 2013-2014 Clean Money ScorecardCalifornia Clean Money Action Fund, Press Release, 5/23/14 The California Clean Money Action Fund announced that it is updating the California Clean Money Scorecard for 2013-2014 by adding two bills that call for overturning the Supreme Court's Citizens United and McCutcheon rulings: SB 1272 (Lieu) and AJR 1 (Gatto). Full story Governor Brown Signs SB 27, Historic Bill Against Dark MoneyCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 5/13/14 SB 27, a bill that has national implications by requiring greater transparency from non-profit organizations that spend significant amounts on California campaigns, was signed by Governor Jerry Brown today. Full story Historic Victory over Dark Money as SB 27 Passes Senate and Goes to Governor's DeskCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 5/7/14 SACRAMENTO — SB 27, a bill that has national implications by requiring greater transparency from non-profit organizations that spend significant amounts on California campaigns, passed the full Senate today in an overwhelming and bipartisan 28-7 vote. Full story Initial Bills for 2013-2014 Clean Money Scorecard AnnouncedCalifornia Clean Money Action Fund, Press Release, 3/17/14 The California Clean Money Action Fund announced the bills that will be scored in the 2013-2014 California Clean Money Scorecard.? The scorecard rates legislators on how often they side with regular Californians by voting for key campaign finance reform and disclosure legislation that is overwhelmingly popular with voters. Full story Major Victory over Dark Money as SB 27 Passes Assembly FloorCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 2/18/14 Bill requiring non-profits to reveal their secret donors when they spend $50,000 on California elections passes Assembly floor on overwhelming vote of 58-18. Full story Historic Victory for Transparency as California DISCLOSE ACT, SB 52, Passes Senate FloorCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 5/30/13 SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act, passed the full Senate yesterday in an overwhelming vote for increased disclosure in political ads as 27 Democrats, led by authors Senator Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) and Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo), were joined by Republican Senator Anthony Cannella (R-Ceres) in voting Yes. Full story Campaign for Disclosure of Secret Money in Political Ads Kicked Off With Rally for California DISCLOSE Act in Santa AnaCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 3/23/13 Fed-up with political ads that hide the special interests who pay for them, over 100 Orange County citizens and leaders attended the kickoff event for SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act, in Santa Ana on Saturday to ask area Senate Elections Committee Chair Lou Correa and other leaders to support SB 52. Full story New California DISCLOSE ACT, SB 52, Introduced by Senators Leno and HillCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 12/20/12 A new effort to give voters the information they need by requiring significantly greater transparency in political ads was launched with the introduction of a new California DISCLOSE Act by Senators Mark Leno and Jerry Hill. Over 350 organizations and leaders endorsed the last version, with over 84,000 Californians signing petitions urging the legislature to pass it. Full story Historic Victory for Transparency as California DISCLOSE ACT, AB 1648, Passes Assembly FloorCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 8/21/12 SACRAMENTO — AB 1648, the groundbreaking California DISCLOSE Act, passed the full Assembly yesterday by a solid majority of 50 to 26, moving on to the State Senate. Full story California Democratic Party Endorses AB 1648, the California DISCLOSE ActCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 7/30/12 ANAHEIM – Yesterday, less than two weeks after Republicans in the U.S. Senate filibustered the national DISCLOSE Act, the California Democratic Party added its voice to the statewide effort to pass the California DISCLOSE Act to allow voters in California to make better informed decisions by requiring the top funders of political ads to disclose their identity - on the ads themselves. Full story Los Angeles City Council Unanimously Endorses the California DISCLOSE ACT, AB 1648California Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 4/10/12 LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles City Council today unanimously endorsed the California DISCLOSE Act, AB 1648, adding its voice to the statewide non-partisan effort to help voters make better informed decisions... Full story Bipartisan Launch of new California DISCLOSE ACT Draws Endorsements from Leading Reform GroupsCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 2/20/12 The League of Women Voters of California, California Common Cause, and California Church IMPACT joined the California Clean Money Campaign in endorsing AB 1648, the California DISCLOSE Act. Full story AB 1148 Falls Two Votes Short, But Sets Stage for Future VictoryCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 1/31/12 SACRAMENTO — Earlier today, AB 1148, the California DISCLOSE Act, fell two votes short of the two-thirds supermajority that it required for passage. But it showed bipartisan support for real disclosure. Full story Groundbreaking Political Advertising Disclosure Bill Moves to Assembly FloorCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 1/23/12 "We are excited that a leader like Assembly Speaker P?rez has joined on as a co-author of AB 1148 in the fight for real transparency and disclosure in political advertising," said Trent Lange, President of the California Clean Money Campaign, the sponsor of AB 1148. Full story League of Women Voters of California Endorses AB 1148, the California DISCLOSE ACTCalifornia Clean Money Campaign, Press Release, 7/29/11 Says real disclosure in political ads addresses a public need Full story California Church IMPACT endorses AB 1148, the California DISCLOSE ACT of 2012Press Release, by California Clean Money Campaign, 6/24/11 California Church IMPACT representing 21 denominations with 1.5 million members within the mainline and progressive Protestant communities of faith is the latest major organization to support the injection of transparency into the election campaign process. The group joins the CCMC, California Common Cause & California Nurses Association in endorsing AB 1148, the California DISCLOSE Act. Full story |