Letter: Disclose Act

By Allen Dirrim, Letter to the Editor
Ventura County Star, August 23rd, 2014

Re: your Aug. 18 article, "Lawmakers approve bill to pave way for drought-tolerant landscaping.":

After reading this article, I am concerned about the passage of SB52 - The Disclose Act. SB52 is the most important bill our Legislature can pass to protect our democracy from dark money.

SB27 is not nearly enough, as it merely requires PACs to disclose their donors to the state. We need SB52 because it requires the top three donors of a PAC to be displayed clearly on each initiative campaign ad they run.

We must ensure our representative knows how important this bill is to maintaining the strongest democracy in the nation. Don't let support for this bill be empty rhetoric lost in end-of-session scramble.

Tell Assemblyman Jeff Gorell to continue his support for getting dark money out of politics at 916-319-2044. Tell him to make sure this vote happens, and that he votes yes.

- Allen Dirrim,

See the article on Ventura County Star website

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