State must change its campaign laws

By Eloise Hamann, Letter to the Editor
Oakland Tribune, May 23rd, 2013

We no longer live in a democracy. Corporations have bought our government through excessive funding of campaign ads and lobbying, all abetted by the Supreme Court.

More than $7 billion was spent on the 2012 federal election. Imagine if that had been spent on our crumbling infrastructure. We need a constitutional amendment that states money is not speech, so that campaign financing can be regulated and that corporations do not have the inherent constitutional rights of living breathing human beings.

Changing the Constitution is a long, arduous process and will require citizens to unite and demand reform.

However, there is something Californians can do now that will improve the election process, which is to raise their voices in support of SB 52, the California Disclose Act.

This bill requires that the top three donors be revealed in political ads themselves. Voters make better judgments when they know who is paying for an ad.

The bill requires a two-thirds vote of both houses. Call your legislators to urge support.

Eloise Hamann

See the article on Oakland Tribune website

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