Glenda Olsen: 'Disclose' the secret donors

By Glenda Olsen, Letter to the Editor
Modesto Bee, May 31st, 2014

Regarding "California Legislature actually getting something done" (Our View, May 16): Have you heard of dark money? It's when the wealthy (like the Koch brothers) donate huge sums to political action committees (super PACS) and keep their names hidden from the public so we don't know who is backing a particular cause or candidate. But the California Legislature is finally doing something to help change that. Gov. Jerry Brown just signed into law SB 27, which was backed by Common Cause, the League of Women Voters and California Forward. Now these super PACS will have to reveal their donors.

Thanks to Sen. Anthony Cannella and Assemblymember Kristen Olsen who voted for SB 27. Now we need to pass SB 52, the California Disclose Act, so these donors can't hide in the fine print and will have to clearly show who's paying for the political ads. Sen. Cannella has already voted for it. Assemblymember Olsen should do the same when she gets a chance this summer. If you want the light to shine on who is behind the political ads that bombard us at election time, call Assemblymember Olsen and encourage a "yes" vote.


See the article on Modesto Bee website

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