More transparency a must in California politics

By Taylor Kollmann, Letter to the Editor
Merced Sun-Star, May 25th, 2014

Big money in politics can seem like an intractable problem, so I am glad that state Sen. Anthony Cannella and Assemblyman Adam Gray helped close the dark money loophole by voting for SB 27 ("Our View: State Legislature actually getting something done," Opinions, May 15). By making political groups report their donors, we can prevent influential donors from influencing our elections anonymously. Unmasking secretive donors with SB 27 is a good start, but that information should be widely available and not buried in the fine print.

Gray should join Cannella and vote for the California Disclose Act to require political ads to list their top funders. This is an opportunity to bring much-needed transparency and accountability to the misleading political ads that bombard the airwaves each election.


See the article on Merced Sun-Star website

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