Shine light on political ads

By Eleanor Garabedian, Letter to the Editor
Fresno Bee, May 30th, 2013

I liked your May 25 editorial about the California Disclose Act -- SB 52. Eighty-four percent of California voters are in favor of this bill. It would show who really pays for political ads instead of that white print at the bottom like "Californians for a better world." That seems good but, in reality, tells us nothing about the top funders and hides the truth.

Everyone from individuals, labor unions to Big Oil will be disclosed if this bill passes. It is truly fair and equitable. Let Sen. Tom Berryhill know that you want the honesty that comes with SB 52. "Yes" is the honorable vote for the citizens of California.

Eleanor Garabedian

See the article on Fresno Bee website

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