More voting transparency

By Diane Merrill, Letter to the Editor
Fresno Bee, March 19th, 2012

The League of Women Voters works to make sure that all voters go to the polls fully informed about the issues on the ballot.

The League is supporting The California Disclose Act, AB 1648, because it will give voters needed information in a form that they can understand, with no more covering up who is behind political ads.

AB 1648 requires all political television ads, print ads and websites to list their top five funders in a clear and unambiguous fashion and requires state and local candidates for public office to appear in their ads and say that they approve the message as federal candidates now do. The League urges readers to communicate to their state Assembly representatives that this legislation is necessary to lift the veil on unlimited hidden political spending.

Diane Merrill

Board of Directors
League of Women Voters of Fresno

See the article on Fresno Bee website

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