Time for real disclosure

* Letter to the editor

By Amy Davis, Fresno
Fresno Bee, January 26th, 2012

Californians have a unique opportunity to take back control of our democratic process. It seems a common complaint among voters is that money buys elections and drives legislation. Now in California, we have AB 1148, the California DISCLOSE Act.

This legislation requires the top three funders of any campaign advertisement to be disclosed on all ads -- TV, radio, print or flyers -- without the aid of pseudonyms and, further, on websites where more information would be provided. Current regulations on TV ads, for example, have written disclosure at the bottom of the ads as they run, with names like "Citizens for Common Sense" or "Teachers for Better Education."

This legislation would require the actual name and logo of organizations, businesses, unions or individuals to appear on a full screen in silence after the ad is finished, allowing voters to see exactly who is funding a given candidate or issue.

This legislation has had broad bipartisan support among the public and has recently passed the State Appropriations Committee and goes to full a Assembly vote on Jan. 31. Contact your Assembly members and urge their support and contact the California Clean Money Campaign at www.CAclean.org.

Amy Davis

See the article on Fresno Bee website

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