Disclose PAC contributors

* Letter to the editor

By Connie Peterson, Clovis
Fresno Bee, January 13th, 2012

Regarding your Jan. 5 editorial calling for Congress to act to close loopholes used by Super PACs, Californians need to know that AB 1148, the California DISCLOSE Act, is currently wending its way through the state Legislature.

The DISCLOSE Act would require that the top three funders of any ballot initiative or independent expenditure (e.g. PACS) on a political campaign be clearly identified on the ad itself -- be that TV, radio or slate mailer. Voters deserve to know who really pays for these ads -- not some euphemistically named committee. A Field Poll commissioned by McClatchy in October 2011 found that 84% of Californians agree, regardless of political party.

The full Assembly must vote by the end of January; state Senate by June. A two-thirds vote of both chambers would make this sensible amendment to the California Fair Elections Act of 1974 law. A simple majority vote would place the measure on the ballot in 2014.

More information is available at YesFairElections.org. Please call your state legislator and let them know they need to support AB1148. If you want to help, contact the local AB1148 Working Group at Fresno_info@caclean.org.

Connie Peterson

See the article on Fresno Bee website

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