DISCLOSE Act needs support

By Jason Harmeyer, Letter to the Editor
Bakersfield Californian, March 16th, 2012

I'd like to thank The Californian for its support of the California DISCLOSE Act, AB 1648. ("A vote for transparency in California elections," Our View, March 1). It's about time to lift the veil of secrecy that special interests hide behind when they're paying millions of dollars for attack ads targeting candidates or propositions.

The DISCLOSE Act would expose who really pays for political ads, by disclosing the top three funders of these unlimited Super PAC-type campaigns where it counts -- in the ads themselves, so no one can miss it.

The California Clean Money Campaign, sponsor of AB 1648, is doing a real public service. But the bill won't pass by itself -- too many big-spending special interests are against it. I'm calling for all Californians to help support the DISCLOSE Act by visiting www.YesFairElections.org to find out how you can help.

Jason Harmeyer


See the article on Bakersfield Californian website

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