Official Ballot Argument for Measure HSpecial Interests are always trying to buy influence at City Hall.Charter Amendment H will help stop them. Our city faces serious challenges. Our elected officials should focus on addressing them instead of spending time fundraising for their next campaign. Vote YES for Charter Amendment H to rein in pay-to-play politics and change the way we finance election campaigns. Charter Amendment H will:
"Candidates shouldn't have to be wealthy or know wealthy donors to have a chance to run for office and win. Charter Amendment H will help voters choose city officials who have the best ideas and experience, not just the best fundraisers."Bob Stern, co-author of the 1974 Political Reform Act, says: "Measure H will strengthen the Ethics and Campaign Finance laws passed overwhelmingly by Los Angeles voters in the original Measure H in 1990."Join the nonpartisan coalition of nurses, teachers, small business owners, good government experts, consumer groups, workers, seniors, environmentalists, and faith communities in voting YES on H. VOTE YES ON H: CAMPAIGNS SHOULD BE WON, NOT BOUGHT BY SPECIAL INTERESTS. For more information, please visit SIGNED BY: ERIC GARCETTI Council President City of Los Angeles JOSE HUIZAR Councilmember City of Los Angeles DAVID HOLTZMAN President League of Women Voters of Los Angeles KATHAY FENG Executive Director California Common Cause TRENT LANGE President California Clean Money Campaign BOB STERN President Center for Governmental Studies ANTONIO GONZALEZ President Southwest Voter Registration Education Project IDA MAE WINDHAM Retired Principal Cleveland High School BRAD PARKER Small Business Owner SARAH K. PILLSBURY Project Partner CA Participation Project Print the Argument and RebuttalPrint the 2-Page Ballot Argument and Rebuttal for Measure H (pdf) Read the Measure H RebuttalRebuttal to the opposition's misleading argument against Measure |